I cant believe you are here to pray for your ill brother-in-law. Give her the healing she needs to overcome this sickness and fully recover. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading. Her every breath is sustained by You, and all the days of her life were recorded in Your book before any one of them came to be. I pray that they will only grow stronger together, that even as their faces age, their love will keep them youthful. Mark 5:34- He said to her, Daughter, your faith has healed you. In Jesus name, amen! Show her new ways to honor You and love people around her during this chapter of her life. God, my mom is going into surgery today. My future mother in law is sick and only you can save her. 8. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen! In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. She is Continue reading "Prayer for Mother in Law Healing" I could only know her a little, you knew her spirit deep inside. I pull the blood of Jesus upon her and . I pray that throughout this hard time she may know our love for her and Your love for her. She is laid up in bed and cant go about her normal routine. Let her be able to take pleasure in the freedom and time she now has. Cleanse, purify and restore him to wholeness in Jesus' name. Please lead her and guide her into a season of fruitful and peaceful relaxation and self-care. I ask that you would give the doctors and nurses wisdom and that they would show kindness when working with my mom. Please intervene soon. who does not change like shifting shadows. Bring joy into her heart despite the difficulty of being ill. We praise You for Your goodness, Lord. I also speak into her life that affliction shall not arise a second time in her life again. That splashes with truth. The family is hurting, but still faithful. I pray for my mother-in-law and the situation she is in. Uplifting & inspirational prayers, verses, poems & more. --Advertisements--. Category: healing. In sha ALLAH love will be created for you in your mother in law's heart. In the powerful name of Jesus we pray. A Prayer for Healing # 3 - O God who are the only source of health and . Thank You that she is able to travel. But You, Lord, can give her the relief she needs. I pray that You would give her the time she needs to be able to take care of herself and rejuvenate her body and mind. Heavenly Father, I pray for my mom, keep her and restore her health to her now. My 92-year-old mom has had a good life. 2. I wish her long life and more happy years on earth. Little ones do not understand why they are feeling so poorly and I just ask that You would have compassion for this little child and take away any fear and pain and multiply Your grace so that they come to a quick and lasting recovery. She has dedicated so much of her life to raising her children. Lord, renew her strength daily; energize her in her body and mind. Merciful Father, relieve every fear and anxiety in my brother-in-laws mind. Lord, You know what she needs, and You say You care. And we know God hasnt changed (Hebrews 13:8). That cancer would bow to the name of Jesus and that she would be 100% healed. A Prayer for My Mother-in-Laws Hobbies Jesus, my Savior, You know our lives from the dramatic to the everyday. My mother is the best among the rest. If you are new to using Bible verses while praying. I pray in the name of Jesus. Like all written prayers, I find its important that we go over some important tips. Thank you for bestowing your love upon us each day. Heavenly Father, I lift up every single person who comes to this post. Give her a deep love for You and a solid routine of spending time with You. I pray that she is well and happy. Heavenly Father, I lift my mom to you and ask for a miracle. Thanks and God bless you. Lord, I humbly pray for Your healing touch to mend my broken heart and ease my troubled soul. A Prayer for Deteriorating Mental Health Precious Holy Spirit, I pray that You would be with my mom during the scary time as she is facing a new mental battle. My mother believes in you more than anything on earth. Jesus, I pray that You would heal her and allow her to return to full health. Amen.q. Lord, I believe that the burden of healing does not rest on the doctor but on you. I am not sure what any of us would do without her. Give wives strength, sense of worthiness and the righteous way to respond in each interaction with their in-laws in Jesus' name AMEN! Dear Lord, Hear and answer my prayer for healing. The Bible says that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV): The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Prayer for My Mother to Receive Healing Early. I beg that she not be in any danger and that this trip be a blessing to her. It is up to You now, Lord, to persuade her that she needs to go to the doctor, and soon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I ask that You give an increase of wisdom to my mother-in-law. Do a mighty work in the life of my mom. Fill her head with Your truth, and her mind will be refreshed. Dear Lord, I pray for my mother-in-law. Jeremiah 17:14 NIV, Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, Dont be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed. Luke 8:50 NIV, >> Check Out More Bible Verses about Healing. In Jesus name Amen. Nothing escapes Your notice, Compassionate and Gracious God, and Your love for us is inexplicable. Please see my disclosure policy for details. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Likewise, Jesus, I request healing for my dear mother-in-law. 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created. Thank You for directing her actions. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you . Matthew 5:9 (NIV) Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Dear Father, I pray for my lovely mum, for you to hold her, keep her and restore her at this trying time. Good morning DMJ Here are ten effective prayers for your mother-in-law. Precious Holy Spirit, as You know, her mental health has been deteriorating over the last few months. 3. Make everything that will be administered to him for quick recovery work for his good and let his health be restored to normal in Jesus name. Faithful God, you are the only one who has the power to kill and to make alive. I pray that this will continue to be a way for her to unwind and enjoy Your creation. In the mighty name of Jesus amen. Lord, in this time of financial trial, may You supply her needs for tomorrow. Relieve her of any aches and pain, so that her body may not be weary, but rested. In Jesus, name amen. She means so much to me and to so many people. Philippians 2:13 (NIV) For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Please, Lord, lay your hand upon the doctors and those assisting them and fill them with divine knowledge and wisdom so they dont make any mistake in the process. She is in such a dire state and we are fearful she will leave us in the world. T. Lord, it says in Your Word that by His stripes we are have been healed. Help her to be friendly and kind to all those around her as she recovers. A Prayer for Wisdom for My Mother-in-Law Lord, our Peace-Bringer, You are the God who gives good gifts to His children. 7 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from West Angelo Church of Christ: Roy Easterly We know that whatever we have is just borrowed, but I would like to request for your Sacred Heart to heal my mother. Help her body to get well and to be restored. I ask you today to please heal my mother for stroke and High Blood pressure. She is always working and has literally worked herself sick. 22 Prayers For My Mom. May she know that underneath are Your everlasting arms of comfort and that You have promised never to leave her or forsake her. Thank you for guiding us with your light. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits. That things would line up the way theyre supposed to and that she would have no ill effect from this in the future. Dear Lord i pray for my sister-in-law's mother who lives in Malaysia. My mother is sick, and I know that nothing pains her more than when her children are not getting along. Amen. Lord, my mom has been sick for a while now. Read More. When she is creative, she reflects the way You are creative and thereby glorifies You. Line up what needs to be lined up and let her organs work how You created them to work. Categories Featured, Prayer, Written Prayers. My prayer is that God would grant my mum long life and prosperity to enjoy all she has worked for. -Robert Louis Stevenson. I request that they continue to serve as a model for my wife and me in our marriage. I pray that You would heal my mother right now. Almighty and most merciful God I bring before You this little child who is suffering such pain and discomfort and I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would raise them back up into full health and strength and work a speedy recovery. Aging, Death, Mother, Prayer; Share this story. Make this part of her life just as fulfilling as when she was raising us. As she has always brought honor to your name, I ask that you honor her in places that matter. May it shine out of every facet of her life. May you guide, protect and lead us all through the right path. Lord Jesus, transform the life of my brother-in-law into your likeness because your body has no infirmity. A Prayer Against Side Effects of Medicine Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, I pray against the side effects of the medicine that my mom has to take. Grant him a calm mind and a heart expectant of total healing. Help me be a good son/daughter and schedule calls on my calendar with my mother so that I dont forget to regularly connect with her. She has been in pain and cant get relief. Furthermore, in her traveling, may she have time to invest in her relationship with You. Lord, I ask that you would guide the surgeons hands and that there would be no complications or issues with the procedure. Romans 15:13 (NIV) May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. A prayer for my sick mom. Your email address will not be published. May they provide her with a positive creative outlet. For My Mother-in-law. Whether these prayers are for healing, protection, provision, blessing, recovery, or good wishes, God will answer all the same. Amen. Give them the wisdom to figure out what is wrong with my mom. Lord, I ask for my mother-in-laws everyday hobbies. Rick Hamlin 2 min read Prayers to bypass bad health for an aging parent. Amen. Assist her in being a peacemaker and person who draws people together. Your email address will not be published. Thank You for the example that You set before us in Jesus, who reconciled us to You by His death. She has been sick lately and needs your healing touch. I pray that she would be able to make ends meet. You are the God who delivers wonderful gifts to His children, Lord, our Peace-Bringer. Psalms 41:2-3 (NIV): The Lord protects and preserves them they are counted among the blessed in the land he does not give them over to the desire of their foes. Posted on Published: October 25, 2022- Last updated: October 27, 2022, Birthday Wishes for Mothers: 17 Captivating, Prayer For My Mother To Be Healed: 15 Powerful. She needs to heal, Lord Jesus, not worry about money. O Jehovah, my God, I pray that You would reach down and take away the suffering my mom is going through right now. Dear God, I pray for my mother in law. She was a Hindu but she converted to Christianity and since then she is sick. A Plea for Mercy God of Mercy and Love, I pray that You would spare my mother. I thank You for the gift of life for today beyond all other blessings she will receive today. Touch her with the blessing of strength Jesus. Jewish Prayer For Deceased Mother. I pray for my mother-in-law and her condition. Every good and perfect gift comes from You. Grow her in wisdom and understanding of You. I sink into your peace as the surgeons work with your spirit to bring restoration. Please quickly help us get a plan together to get the money situation under control so she can focus on getting well. This post may contain affiliate links. A Prayer Against Loneliness Father of Compassion, I pray that you would restore my mother back to health. A Prayer for Wisdom for Doctors God of Loving Devotion, thank You that my mom is finally willing to go to the doctor to see what has been making her so sick. This I pray, in Jesus name. Almighty God, your word tells us not to repay evil for evil and to leave vengeance for you. Long story short, we took her just in time before her appendix ruptured. She still lives at home. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A Prayer for the Well-Being of My Mother-in-Law, A Prayer for My Mother-in-Professional Laws Success, A Prayer for My Mother-in-Spiritual Laws Relationship, A Financial Recovery Prayer for My Mother-in-Law, When My Mother-in-Law Travels, I Say a Prayer, A Prayer for the Retirement of My Mother-in-Law. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. I lean back into your love for me, and ask for your protection as I undergo this operation. You have the power to heal any disease. Give her rest from every matter troubling her heart. Facebook Twitter Email Share. In the powerful name of Jesus, I pray, amen. This I ask in Jesus' name, Psalm 107:20 NIV, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous. Through the powerful prayer of this Catholic Rosary of Healing, may the Lord and the Virgin Mary visit your life and heal all physical and inner illnesses. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. A Prayer for a Return to Health Jesus, the Great Physician, I just heard the news that my mom is sick. Marriage is not often regarded favorably these days, but the fact that my in-laws have remained together gives me hope. Then mix the salt in some food item and give it to your mother in law. Amen. I also pray, Lord, that it isnt something serious, but is instead just a temporary cold that runs its course quickly. A Prayer for My Mothers Empty Nest God of Immeasurable Mercies, I praise You that You care so much for my mother. I pray now that You would grant patience to the doctors so that they listen to my mother instead of trying to quickly get through the appointment with her. Lord, lift my mother-in-law up for Your blessings today. Follow. A Prayer for My Mother-in-Laws Retirement Sovereign Lord, thank You that You are with us in all stages of life. Lord God, I pray for Y's mother-in-law. So, today I lift my mom to You. Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. When she is creative, she mirrors Your creativity and so glorifies You. That she would get better and fully recover. God our Great Provider, I thank You that You assign each of us our place for our good. It means I AM your Healer Throughout the Bible, we see many stories and accounts of Gods healing touch. Healing Prayer for Tumors, Cancer, Radiation and Chemotherapy. In Jesus name. Jesus please as I shed a tear everyday for my mother and also stay string for her, please help her to stay strong and bless her with your touch of healing. If she is to continue to praise You in the land of the living, she will need a miracle. In Jesus name. Assist her in being interested in productive and wholesome activities. I pray that You would heal my mother right now. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. Father in Heaven, You are always with us. I pray that You would ease her pain and take away her fear. In the name of Jesus. I pray that it would be a textbook operation. Now waiting to do MRI full body scan. I beseech thee for my mother-in-daily laws pastimes. I have done all I can to convince her to go. God to bless my mother in all her doings, and to have enough money to take care of us. Sweet Jesus, let your precious blood flow into every cell of the body and into the depths of my brother-in-laws soul. I pray all of these things in Your name. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. All this is possible by the grace of God. God of Enduring Faithfulness, I ask that You reveal Yourself even more to my mother-in-law. Now that she is sick, this sadness and loss weigh so much more heavily on her. Because she deserves the best, I wish her the best in life and the best in her career. 4 4) Blessing Prayer For My Sister Having Surgery To Go Well. Let your angels be around my moms hospital room to protect and minister to her. I pray Lord that she feels some peace and that you can help her, to envelop her in your loving healing embrace and comfort her in her time of need. Amen. Inactivity must be very demoralizing for her. I will show you what I do. Well, I hope these prayers for your sick mom have encouraged you to connect with God and pray for her health. She means so much to so many. Help my dear mother speedily I pray, and I will give you all the praise and glory due to Your name. May Christ Who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace. When I cry, smile or laugh, she is always there for me. Here are 10 powerful prayers for your mother-in-law. In this article, I have prayerfully provided prayers for my mother-in-law and relevant Bible verses to make your supplications even more powerful. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. A Prayer for a Successful Procedure O Jehovah, my God, I praise You for the advances in medical technology. I love her with all my heart and with all she has been through with losing her mother, her dad having cancer three weeks after the loss of her mother, our son being undiagnosed for 15 years, the loss of her sister and the external I have brought into the marriage. Let her be a walking testimony of your healing touch. She needs your healing touch. I ask that You come and bring a miracle to my moms body. God of Enduring Faithfulness, I beseech You to reveal Yourself to my mother-in-law even more. Seeing your mom who took care of you when you got sick as a little kid fall ill is one of the hardest things in life because all you want to do is take it away. In Jesus' name, Amen. Grant her family, loved ones, and friends the graces they need so that they can be a source of comfort and support . I pray that You would do so now. All of our lives, Lord, are precious and worthwhile to You. Healing Prayer for Cancer Patients. Touch their families and draw them all closer to You. I actually would like to close this prayer for you. Lord, help us to break poor eating and sleeping habits. Thank You, Sovereign Lord, for being with us at all stages of life. Gracious God, your word says that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they two shall become one flesh. May Mary, the angels, and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life. Give her a deep love for You and a solid routine of spending time with You. who forgives all your sins. I ask that You give my mother-in-law an increased love for You and Your Word. We thank You for watching over us, even and especially when we are sick. Fill him with your light and hope. And bless my moms body with strength and quick healing. Grant all her hearts desires concerning her family and every other thing she longs for. Lord, at this time of financial difficulty, please provide for her necessities for tomorrow. May she have such an obvious quality of godliness in everything she does. A Prayer for Unity Lord of the Highest Heavens, I pray that You would restore unity to our family. Thank You for her and the joy she brings to others. Amen. God of Enduring Faithfulness, I ask that You reveal Yourself even more to my mother-in-law. Help her to remember to take it every day, and I pray that it would do the job of healing her body. Let her see . She means so much to so many. So I ask that you turn her heart positively towards me so that I can experience peace in my marriage. 3 3) Powerful Prayer To Cure My Sick Sister. Thank You, God, for the precious gift of my mother. I pray in Jesus mighty name. These Mother's Day prayers and blessings can be used in a church service, written on a card, or spoken before sharing a Mother's Day meal. It was hard, but praise God, momma made it through. 1. You also went further to say that, what you have joined together no one should put asunder. I thank You that my mother-in-law now can enjoy retirement. Therefore, speak peace into every aspect of her life. For those that have been abandoned, bereaved, neglected, hurt or abused in any way.. we ask that You would draw very close to each one. Guide her to meaningful activities that nourish her soul. Now waiting to do MRI full body scan. I request that you look upon the mother of my dear husband with the eyes of favor. We cannot help her if she doesnt tell us what and how much she needs, Lord Jesus. She needs rest, Jesus. Forgive us all for unhealthy lifestyles and habits. A Prayer for My Mother-in-Laws Career God our Great Provider, I thank You that You assign each of us our place for our good. I pray that this will be a wonderful time in her life. Most Holy God, thank you so much for my adorable mother-in-law who just turned 50 today. That carries your grace. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. Lord, I believe in faith that You will act on her behalf and restore her to wellness. Thank You for her and the blessing she is to others. In this article, we will dive into 11 powerful prayers for sick moms and how we can use Bible verses to pray over them as well. Thank You for guiding her steps. 1 a When Jesus came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. Amen. encouragement and gracious wisdom. Nevertheless, Im not one bit discouraged because I know that theres no impossibility with you. Amen. 12 Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you. Dear God, I pray that my daughter will be flexible. Free her I pray, from the pain and confusion she is going through, and . Of all the gifts she is to receive today, I thank You especially for the gift of life for this very day. Thank you for the answer to this prayer because I that you have indeed answered it. Hence, I ask that for their sake, you will restore their grandmother to heath. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Now that we are grown, my mother continues to feel sadness and loss because we no longer are in her house and we have lives of our own. I ask that You would touch the part of her body that is sick that you would restore it. Heavenly Father, I come before you today with a request for my mother-in-law. Dear Lord please heal the pain my daughter in law is suffering.Please comfort her and guide my son to be loving and supportive to her in her times of need. I celebrate my mother-in-laws life today. Lord, we look to you for her restoration. Put kind words in our mouths, and smiles on our faces. Exodus 23:25 (NIV) Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. A Prayer for Healing - Lord, You invite all who are burdened to come to . Still, the procedure is not 100% effective, and so I pray, Lord Jesus, that You would make it to work properly in this instance and that my mom would be healed completely. I am grateful for the time we shared and will always hold her memory dear. I pray that You will grace her with patience and wisdom. Uplifting & inspirational prayers, verses, poems & more, My mother in law is very sick and this is happening for almost more than a month. Lord, I ask that you please make my relationship with my husbands mother a great one. I am sure that she is fighting against a million fearful thoughts about how serious the sickness is. Amen. Getting older has forced her to slow down, and there are many days she does not feel well. We are all praying and renewing our faith. Psalm 6:2. Five Steps Prayer Model . Free her I pray, from the pain and confusion she is going through, and restore her to full health and strength, for You are the God Who heals and cares. You have revealed Yourself in creation, and You reveal Yourself in Your Word. Bless her today in the mighty name of Jesus, amen! She greatly needs You, Lord. She has been ill and hasnt been able to recover. In Jesus name, I pray. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Heavenly Father, when you died on the cross, You didnt just carry our sins but You also healed our diseases. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Amen. I ask Lord, that You heal her of whatever it is that is troubling her. My mom is ill and we had a great scare on NYE. Thank You for everything Youve done for her so far. Thank You, Jesus, that she was able to get the medicine she needed, now I . Amen. Heavenly Father, I speak this prayer to you now in gratitude and praise for the gift of mothers. Amen. Lord, all of our lives are valuable and worthwhile for You. Let every rogue cell die off and only new healthy strong cells are created. May it shine out of every facet of her life. Amen. We pray that You would meet each single mother at her particular point of need.