The French Republic now specifically asks the British for naval aid, instead of whoever is leading the Entente. Fixed the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem completing a national focus after being annexed. Poland now uses the Eastern European tank icons. Fixed Luigi Sansonettis portrait for the Papal States. Karabakh is no longer a core of Azerbaijan. Added new icons for Brazil, Greece, Iceland, Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Siam, Ukraine and the Spanish Civil War countries. Fixed Romania committing its units to Serbia during the war with Austria. Rebalanced Anqing and Shangdongs performance in the League War. Centroamericas Moderados are now RadSoc. Fixed the Paraguay-Uruguay mutual guarantee leading to endless wars. Fixed Albania not being part of the Balkan War peace deal if they attacked independently. Transamur no longer gets bonuses to its division limit for declaring war on Russia. Fixed Yunnan having an integration decision available too early because of a missing flag. Fixed Ottoman troops being teleported to Anatolia if Armenia rebels. Added Norway decision for joining the Reichspakt if at war with the Internationale when Pat Aut. UKR now gets a claim on Kuban and Rostov when releasing the Don-Kuban Union. This includes songs that will now play for Transamur, SOV and DKU. Added two new Shanxi-related loading screen quotes. Fixed expansionist Russia not attacking Georgia. Fixed majors not improving their plane designs. Fixed the Wu Peifu news event not including Wu Peifu. Updated the population values of Rio de Oro and Ifni for Spain. Removed the white border around the Hunan flag, Fixed the resolution of the Rassid Arabia flag, Fixed Persia returning Herat to Afghanistan. As always this update comes with a mass of other tweaks; Italy and Russia have got massive changes, new game rules have been added, bugs fixed, performance improved and many other changes. Fixed diplomatic-path Greece joining a PatAut Russia-led Moscow Accord. Japan now loses claims and ambitions on Insulindia's core/claimed territories if they enter an alliance. Added SocLib and PatAut paths for Lithuania, which were not included in the initial release. Decreased the severity of the Substance Abuser trait for commanders. Fixed the bypass condition for Germany's Pacify Spain national focus. Updated the companies for the Legation Cities. Reviewed the characters that can be transferred from Argentina to Patagonia. Luis Carlos Prestes no longer starts in the Brazilian commander roster, and will instead join if Brazil goes socialist. Updated the annexation effects to avoid disrupting occupations when transferring states. New flags for Ghana, Gold Coast, Mozambique and Najd & Hasa. This means any country not accepting peace will find themselves at war with Germany, and Germany also prevents Austrian core territories (such as Istria, Slovenia, and South Tyrol) from being annexed. Argentinas "Domestic Aircraft Manufactories" national focus now provides an air designer. Most (though not all) volunteer events removed, replaced by an improved ai volunteer system. In the news event about the death of Wilhelm II, it now states hes the German Emperor instead of Kaiser of Germany. Fevzis Elaborate a Plan national focus is now bypassed if the Economic Collapse national spirit has already been removed. Fixed White Ruthenia not keeping its units home when it's about to secede. Socialist Russia now recovers from the Second Russian Civil War more quickly. Game rules Masters of Our Own Destiny" and The Necessary Evil should now work as intended, and actually cause Fengtian to go the path it says it will. Monarchist Bulgaria can now target Turkey instead of just the Ottomans. Poland may now only perform Operation Parasol when in a faction. Other members of the Moscow Accord are now notified about the Academy of Sciences being formed. Fixed a logic error in a Costa Rica focus. Fixed Chen Jiongming becoming a puppet of Tang Jiyao. Fixed puppet Turkey not being able to progress down half of its focus tree. Germany no longer demands Pas-de-Calais from NFA if they are not allied with Belgium or Wallonia. DEI and HOL now start with the same naval techs. Added descriptions to other equipment for Somalia. The French Republic no longer gets Communard Resistance on the annexed areas of Switzerland or Belgium. Added a notification event for American Civil War participants, for when Mexico intervenes on behalf of the Combined Syndicates. Rebalanced and reconfigured the code of the start of the Third Boer War. Adjusted the stats for some British commanders. Improved the performance of the Exile decisions. Bulgarian peace deal with the Ottomans now also gives cores/claims to any Bulgarian subjects. Japans Tokyo Conference events are now less reliant on RNG. Fixed German puppet Britain peacing out with the Entente, if Germany collapses. Added descriptions for the remaining Turkish leaders. Fixed the World Tension from the shelling of Avricourt/Elfringen being assigned to the wrong target. Fixed the news event for Carol's assassination firing before the succession is decided. If Germany in Exile hands over French claims, it loses its ambition areas in those states. Fixed post-unification Romania not correctly having different parts of the Iron Guard gain prominence. The NCERA can still however potentially be elected as SocDem in the later elections. Fixed some of the issues that arises from Portugal going into exile. Expanded the capabilities of Carles Argentina Buenos Aires - Lima Axis faction. Many African leaders for alternate ideologies have had portraits cut. Russia no longer sends volunteers to the Kingdom of Spain. Stopped Ukraine turning syndicalist from causing an early Weltkrieg. Austria will now disband the Donau-Adriabund upon capitulation. The Kingdom of Two Sicilies should now beeline their attack SRI national focus, if the latter is at war with the Italian Republic. Persia's Trans-Iranian focus now actually builds a railway. Peru's declaration of war on Ecuador is now scripted. Fixed a terror event not firing for Spain. Wallonia can now declare war on Flanders, so long as they are not led by Adelbert, if their ultimatum is denied. AI countries will no longer build above their unit limits when losing. Poland will now be released by a player Austria in the form of a puppet monarchy led by Karl Albrecht. Fixed Zhang Junmai not being transferred correctly after the Federalists unify China. If you dont care about models you can enjoy the extra space, while if you do youll need to subscribe to the new submods (and get many new models in the process). It represents the total number of divisions that a country can safely support. Tweaked the province and state layout in Mozambique. Some map updates to White Ruthenia, including supply areas and air zones. Fixed Costa Ricas Profits from the UFC national spirit not correctly scaling its effects. Updated Mexicos states to more closely follow vanilla HoI4. Fixed Germany not having access to Azerbaijani oil. Fixed the Pacific States Chien-Shiung Wu event firing for the wrong country. Fixed Bhutan being able to militarily occupy Tibet when they can claim it. Fixed Austria not getting a core on Burgenland. Fixed Fate of India decision so its available even if Madras still exists. Clarified event lines that lead to war between Peru and Ecuador and added a little bit more flavour. Rebalanced Argentinean and Patagonian industrial focuses and decisions. Simplified some triggers in South America. Fixed the missing leader description of Finlands Vaino I. Fixed Dai Li's coup of the Left Kuomintang not firing, even if the correct options were chosen. Fixed bonuses to motorized equipment not being applied when the equipment is already researched. Fixed puppet Netherlands having elections. Siam now temporarily loses control of its ships during the Siamese Civil War. Added an upgraded starting tank armour and light tank chassis technology to Russia. The Railway Reaches Barotseland national focus for South Africa now actually makes a railway to Barotseland. Altered the shape of the Bulgarian/Ottoman border, and the course of the Maritsa river. Country Paths have had their regions rearranged and recategorised. Fixed CSA not being able to progress towards Reconstruction. Fixed coastal defence and panzerschiff cruisers types - now they are correctly defined as capital ships. Fixed Shandong loan and Shandong Balance decisions missing AI factors. Fixed an event picture being missing from Fengtians "Mantetsu Protests Railway Construction" event. Wells, Dalton Trumbo, Westbrook Pegler, Earl Browder, Nerfed volunteer size ideas across the mod. Adjusted the bonuses given by Germanys centralisation choice. Fixed Siamese infrastructure decisions zeroed AI factors. Fixed some scoping issues for the Shanxi/Qing peace deal. Fixed heavy armour being selected as the suppression template for the United States. The United Kingdom now starts with some trains. Fixed King Nicolae's description being overwritten by Mihai's leader description in Romania. The Division Limit formula has been further refined. Fixed a couple of broken references to Irish states in the Union of Britain's events. Tibetan Division Numbering shall always skip #12 from now on. Fixed New Englands Norwich University national focus adding the wrong commander as the Armour Military High Command. (Hey Riflemen, Let's Go!)" Fixed Entente countries being prompted to join the Air Training Plan twice. Fixed the Belgrade Pact countries not becoming majors upon joining the war. Switzerland cancels mission if Haute-Savoie is already cored, Adjust South East Asia state dev level, Siams Electrification campaign actually matters, Removed compression artefacts from a lot of icons. Several non-political ministers such as singers in Algeria from the DH minister list has since been removed across the map, Mengjiang (which doesnt exist in KR anyway) no longer infiltrates divisions in every country across the world, Reduce the percentage of bad results from Canadas touring king decisions, Hunan leaders have calmed down after the initial outburst, now opted for nonsense and untrue over bullshit, Italy can no longer join Russias faction, Cuba no longer drags German Empire into war with CSA, Gdansk shipyard for POL no longer requires you to own Lesotho, Osnabrck class CAs are now Heavy Cruisers instead of Light Cruiser, American tags no longer uses SMG combat animation when theyre using rifles, Falkland no longer magically relocate itself in the Southern Pacific ocean, with clues of such failed scientific experiment removed in all British records, Russia integration for Tuva now targets the correct state, Fixed Tsar Dimitriy being replaced by Vrangel after Kornilovs death, Canadas Payment to WIF are automatically cancelled should they are at war with WIF/WIF no longer exists, Update the Japanese rename in endonym mode for Manchurian states, Reduced the Austrian surrender bonus back down, so it will actually capitulate, The American Civil War no longer ends more than once, Non-socialist majors will now retain control over Gibraltar when releasing Spain as a puppet, Russia will now retain control over Karelia when releasing Finland as a puppet, All remaining references to Lavrentiy Beria have been removed, Australasia and New Zealand now given republican flags and leaders when released by non-Entente countries, Naval locs now works properly for non-MtG owners, The Abdication Crisis will now end if the UK is created in the middle of it, Stability/war support events now no longer apply to countries in a civil war, Event for Canada to get a Governor-General after restoring the UK fixed, Event for the balance in Italy being broken now has the proper effect, AI Austria will no longer move to protect Venice if the balance global is still in effect, Fixed Canadas annexation decision for America, for cases where the global flag for the ACW being over was not yet set, Fixed code for chances of Bill C-7 passing for Canada, New Gamerule category and additional options, Major overhaul of older nations background code (Russia, INS, Commune of France and others), many bugs fixed and performance improvements, Heightmap has been redesigned, giving the map more verticality, Annexation decisions and events have been spruced up with new GFX, many fixed bugs, adjusted costs and standardised names3, SRI now cannot call the Third Internationale into a war against an Italian tag unless the WK2 has begun or if theyre also at war with a major country. Fixed some broken national spirits in Natal. The IEDC leader only has to worry about investment decisions, and membership happiness is no longer tracked. Fixed Armenia being granted Lazistan without Batumi. Fixed Mittelafrika's regime changes blocking completion of the DKAEB mission. Added two new Romani-related news events for Poland. Costa Rica can no longer unify Central America by simply having the same government as them. You can now see all planes in same time, The Andesian Rebellion events now have localization, SRI attack decisions will now disappear if the target no longer exists, If syndicalist France is released after annexation, it is puppeted to the releaser if no faction exists for it to join, Removed the duplicate SRI decision to join the Phalanstere, SRI socialist welfare idea now costs consumer_goods_factor instead of adding it, Additional units are no longer transferred from Legionarry Italy to Venice upon the revolt breaking out; any Italian units left in Venice are teleported away, Romanias AI should now core Transylvania much more efficiently. New England no longer has to be at peace to open safehouses. Until then, enjoy KR without needing to roll back anymore! The capitulation of the owner of a lease now automatically ends the lease. Updated the game rule names for several countries. Fixed Robert Menzies not correctly becoming the leader of South Africa. Norway no longer joins the TI before abolishing the monarchy. Added a warning to the Republican path for Serbia, that when they form Yugoslavia with too much NatPop popularity, they will get Nation of the Three Tribes focus tree instead of United States of Yugoslavia. Fixed a mistake in which Ragnar Colvin was using a portrait photo of John Gregory Crace. Fengtians Ma Zhanshan no longer defects to Russia or Japan. Nordic countries can now help each other working on the Scandinavian formation foci, should one already researched that then it autocompletes for others - the foci will also now be locked for player and AIs alike should someone else is already working on it. Added The Fall of news events for Alexandria, Amsterdam, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Cape Town, Ceuta, Changsha, Chongqing, Delhi, Guangzhou, Jinan, Kunming, Minsk, Munich, Nanjing, Santiago, Vilnius, Wuhan. Kuala Lumpur and George Town are now urban terrain. Slightly restructured the Finnish national focus tree. I'm a big fan of Kaiserreich, and I love to play as my home country, Brasil, but I can't help but point out how bad their Totalist tree is. Removed Chiles division limit bonus, and some other army nerfs. Fixed Union of Britain starting an early WK2 by attacking Ireland. Rebalanced the Spanish Civil War to make it less detrimental to the Carlists and the Kingdom, by changing starting stability and war support, re-allocating victory points and spawning more units. up console command/debug tool 2.type "add_party_popularity (ideology ID) (number)" to change ideology popularity, or set_ruling_party (ideology ID) Fixed David Stirling being spawned twice as a general for the Union of Britain. Fixed the Ottoman Empire inviting a buffer state Persia or Afghanistan to the Association of Muslim Nations. Fixed Armenia getting locked into the Moscow Accord for the AutDem path, via national focus bypassing. Added names to the United States National Guard divisions. Improved the logic for releasing Yemen, Oman and the Trucial States in Egypts Conference of Alexandria national focus. Rebalanced the factory counts in Austria-Hungary. In return, they receive a national spirit which gives political power generation. Fixed some bugs regarding the League of American States. P.P.S. Fixed bugs regarding ROM influence system. Overhauled the Indian portraits and rosters. French Republic (expanded current options, added later elections), United Kingdom (expanded current options), White Ruthenia (expanded current options), Guatemala: Juan Jacobo rbenz Guzmn, Julio Domingo Bianchi Smout, Illyria: Vladimir opi, Vitomir Kora, Ivan Merz, Slovenia: Anton Korosec, Franc Kulovec, Dragotin Lonar, Marko Natlaen, Josip Vilfan. Fixed Fengtian not breaking with Japan if they attack one of the Co-Prosperity Sphere members. Authoritarian Bulgaria now releases Romania as SocCon, instead of AutDem. Radical Socialist Argentina no longer joins the Reichspakt or Entente. Sdwestafrika can no longer host the German Government in Exile if Mittelafrika collapses. Fixed Greece's Empower the Throne national focus instantly uncompleting itself. Norway now starts with the Reconnaissance tech. Updated Japans war declaration AI to account for the new setup. Fixed the Legation Cities' navy spawning twice.