Scalar energy consists of circles of energy that radiate outwards in a balanced network. This and other Scalar Technologies when used to assist humanity with healing unified field space allows the body to do what it knows how to do which is be balanced and heal thy self. A scalar pendant, for example, is programed with natural minerals and iodine as well as scalar energy. EPISODE 39-2 How Does Scalar Energy Work?Feel more balanced, get deeper sleep, clear pathogens, fungi, viruses, support anti-aging, balance your chakra. To prove scalar energy existed, Tesla experimented with abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials, which released scalar energy from the vacuum of space also known as the "ether". All rights reserved. Scalar Energy is created naturally; however, it can also be artificially engineered. Shungite Protects from mobile, antennas, WiFi, and 5G: Shungite Some modes of protection against electromagnetic fields: Water purification with shungite Protects old people from several diseases: Washes down the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides. Here are the functions of Surich Scalar Sticker: 1 . Its a unique energy signal that when properly infused into We use analog circuitry to ensure a pure signal, and the signal can be either molecular or frequency modulated using low or . Some examples of scalar quantities are distance, density, energy, and time. This is unsustainable, especially as technology becomes more prevalent and takes up ever increasing space in peoples lives. You may also notice an Were going to talk about some matters concerning health and nourishment which are likely brand new to you personally. Again, this really is critical in the evolution of technology effective at embedding scalar energy in products. Jacobs, found that scalar energies affect the living organism. Scalar Light is the animating life force of all spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical activity in the Universe. Calming yourself in a cross legged position. November 22, 2019 The scalar energy pendant uses cosmic energy acknowledged by many scientists who claim it has positive effects on the body. Optimize human scalarenergy and you also optimize your wellbeing. to function at increasingly high levels. Blood pressure is also regulated. Rochester University teacher, Robert Every action that occurs, every neuron or synapse that coherently connects us Weight Optimization: Your First Step Towards Healthy Life. Knee, back, shoulder, ankle, etc.) In addition, a scalar energy pendant also balances our chakra, which helps us heal faster. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. width: 100%; It creates a field of energy systems that are alive. He was able to power an automobile through transmitters receiving scalar energy waves and being transferred to the engine of the car. 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The Scalar Energy Wellness Center is set up as a Private Ministerial Association (PMA), which means that the center is not open to the public. Scalar energy pendants have a coherent energy field and when it is worn, the coherency transfers to the energy field in the body. While there are many forms of healing energy, today we will discuss scalar energy pendants and its uses. neurotransmitters, acting as a natural antidepressant for the brain. Tom has developed a remote treatment process using a scalar instrument that improves spiritual & physical well-being and offers a ground-breaking approach to health and healing. This store requires javascript to be enabled for some features to work correctly. Instead of running along cables or shooting out in ray, it tends to fill its surroundings. First, it is more area like than wavelike. While electromagnetic energy is broadly utilized and accepted, scalar energy is presently disregarded and poorly understood. They subsequently go through a reheating process, which utilizes micro-fusion technology and leads to a stationary energy known as scalar energy. Scalar energy products are alternative medicine products. Anti EMF Stickers for Phone and Computer Round Dot, EMF Blocker Sticker One such software allows the targetting of multiple individuals and the pulsing of scalars from whatever distance. Scalar therapy causes cell membranes to vibrate an electrical charge that allows waste and toxins to move out and nutrients to move in the body. He described scalar energy as universal waves or standing energy, which can be transmitted with no loss. Scalar waves have been shown to improve your immune system as well as aid in natural healing. padding-bottom: 0px; Buy on Scalar Energy: A two-hour power nap gives the body more time to get to deeper healing states. Even today, scalar energy is still underused, undervalued, and misunderstood. Improves cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell, 3. -37% The energy level of every single cell in the body is increased to the ideal 70 to 90 milivolt. ~ Follow us for all the latest news, tips and updates. Beyond that, consuming scalar energized water can quicken the adjustment period on those using a scalar energy device. Scalar energy is an longitudinal energy that, unlike transverse 3-dimensional energy (up/down, right/left, back/front) it modulates in the direction it is going, accordion-like, along the axis of time, the 4th dimension. Read More. Quick View Because of these These negative ions help to neutralize the positive ions in our body. Scalar Scalar energy reestablishes vitality lost in the day-to-day exposure to negative energies. Individual results will vary. Positive ions are associated with free radicals, so free radicals will flourish where theres an abundance of positive ions. Elite Shungite Bracelet EMF Protection and Shungite Necklace from Karelia December 3, 2022, How to Block Cell Tower Radiation? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. For instance, the Australian government and academics have discovered radioactive elements in many scalar energy pendants. This will be a fun little field trip with no pop quizzes. He believed that if scalar energy was correctly harnessed, it can have limitless possibilities. Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. Scalar Energy was discovered in the 19th century by a Scottish Scientist, James Clerk Maxwell. Unlike velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum, the kinetic energy of an object is completely described by magnitude alone. This result in holistic healthcare functions the most natural way. Try it out! Our health and lives are at stake, and that isnt overstating the case. Scalar energy can regenerate and repair itself forever. We wouldnt be able to talk, touch, see, taste or hear without this connection. The Energy Enhancement System TM (EESystem TM) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including "scalar waves" which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. Proof? Additionally, Scalar Energy doesnt flow like transverse and normal electromagnetic waves, but instead increases in spatial mass as it occupies space. EMF Protection Bracelet with Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser- Bracelets For Women Flower of Life Restores the body's natural balance instantly Scalar energy is a positive energy source that can help the human body by making use of scalar technology. Travel faster than the speed of light. -40% Scalar Energy operates at the quantum level & is capable of disassembling or "transmuting" pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, protozoan, amoebas prions, molds and fungi, thus eliminating the causative agent of many diseases. $73.97 $39.97 That alone should highlight exactly how important energy is to us. This unique energy signal, when properly added to products enables them to be more effective in elevating one's energy on a cellular level. However, the existence of Scalar Energy was proven by Nikola Tesla who worked on Maxwells findings. There are four classifications of brainwaves Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. Finally, all life is energy. Albert Einstein continued this The Scalar Qi is a true Scalar device, generating a Zero Point Field by utilizing two Tesla coils inside of it. It will certainly be smoother. From the TENS machines and laser surgery that we have already mentioned to using sound waves to break up kidney stones, or X rays and magnetic fields to see into the body to using light to wash the blood. Breathing in chilly air is considered a substantial risk factor for persons with asthma, even though non-environmental causes, including stress, respiratory infections, and anxiety, frequently cause attacks. It repairs itself after troublesome introduction to X-beams. This usually results in the regeneration of cell and therefore age-related diseases can be prevented as it slows down the aging process and helps in the maintenance of a healthy life. Quick View This really is really the heart of the matter. Work, Energy and Power Forms of Energy Work and Energy Equations It is the resultant of the force applied ( F) and the amount of displacement ( d) and is articulated by the equation W = F.d Power describes the rate at which work is done. Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions cells. Because it can be transferred into products or items, energy can be stored in objects like holographic discs. $49.97 $25.00 Examples of scalars are volume, density, speed, energy, mass, and time. Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain as measured by EEG tests. It is always available, free and renewable and so there is never a shortage in supply. Especially the scalar I want to receive updates about products and promotions. 2. You can also charge inexpensive wine to taste better, like expensive wine. When you consume scalar energized water, it restores the acid/alkaline balance of the body at the optimum level. Scalar fields charge the mitochondria, giving your cells much-needed energy to open and remove the blockages. As it is known as the zero-point energy it doesnt have a measuring unit, but it is still creating itself. products, enables them to be more effective as well as elevate your energy on a Scalar fields introduce energy, which restores this communication, exposing the diseased cells to the body's defenses. Compared to the physics of kinetic energy, which travels in a one directional wave, scalar energy's motion is that of a vortex. Scalar energy creates a field of energy systems that are alive. According to Tesla, Scalar Energy, or radiant energy, is a primal force in nature. -50% Are you prepared to discover how quantum physics and scalar energy might improve your well-being? Mbdisc are not intended to be used in the cure, treatment or prevention of disease in man or animals. to the world around us, is done via an electrical current. For the same reason, scalars areeffective at passing through solid things without a loss of strength. Computer algorithms can likewise cause enough interaction with the ether and push these obscure waves through space and time. EESystems are installed based on multiples of a minimum of 4 units. This matter isnt fundamentally hard to comprehend, but since it signifies a whole paradigm shift in how you are going to look at health and nourishment, well need to go slowly. The original discovery of scalar #row-480535932 > .col > .col-inner { It can counterbalance the hurtful impacts of 60 cycle streams as we have in homes and structures, electromagnetic fields, radiation, and microwaves. Cleanses the blood, improving chylomicron (protein/fat particles floating in the blood . Such include levels of radiation stemming from cell phones, TVs, PCs, microwaves and other electrical devices. He discovered: Scalar energy is the result of 2 frequencies that are identical in make-up come together from opposite directions and collide. Homeostasis is a condition of equilibrium, the dynamic range of balance where the bodys systems operate together while also resonating at their optimum. Scalar Qi works to remove this debris from the area, giving you a clean slate to establish healing. Life Also, studies and medical investigations are pointing out that symptoms such as sleep disturbances, hyperactivity in children, depression, lack of concentration, headaches and more, could be caused by EMF. AND HOW TO AVOID THEM . It will produce negative ions which your body You can read through the results of these studies on the website. As well find, scalar energy is just another use of healing energy. Molecular Scalar 2023 Miracle Balance. scalar, a physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude. Balances holographic discs. Scalar energy differs from normal hertzian electromagnetic fields in several characteristics. $49.97 $25.00 Interested in how to create the latter? Scalar energy products producers assert that they are formed of volcanic elements or other minerals and tout various health advantages, including increased blood flow, stamina, and flexibility. Curious? Actually, it can help give people predictable vitality for a lifetime. In this case, energy does get transferred, transmitted or exchanged, but in a different manner. Shungite EMF Protection Necklace | Authentic from Karelia (Rhomb) The Schumann Resonances are correlated with the mild healing frequencies produced by scalar energy (7.83Hz to 33.8Hz). Shortly put, optimize your energy to optimize your health. We have seen the millivoltage in the cells. Follow us for all the latest news, tips and updates. Just as a small reference, H refers to the magnetic field. Buy on Now that you better understand scalar energy, hopefully you can benefit from its magical effects. The exact same electricity thats used by a chiropractor or a physical therapist to stimulate your muscles and encourage healing with a TENS machine is the same electricity thats used in prisons to execute individuals in electric chairs. Tom explains transmutation: All Rights Reserved. Scalar energy, nevertheless, is a distinct creature. The Scalar Energy Pendant produce negative ions as well as beneficial earth related energies which has the ability to stimulate the energy in our body. The technology couples and exponentially gains field density, and effectiveness with each additional set of units after the first 4. Our nervous system is very sensitive to EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) from the environment. Technology moved on and what was once the domain of Cybershaman moved to mobile devices. Until recently, the ideas behind many . Shungite EMF Protection Cell Phone Sticker. Were going to get quite abstract, for one final minute, before we start to simplify everything and bring all of it together. were on a path to fully harness the power of energy medicine and using it to Also, Scalar Energy is known as zero point energy. Buy on It can really be more grounded weeks or months in the wake of being inserted into superb items. Together, this helps to balance and strengthen the body's bio-energy Germanium : Facilitates The Conductivity and Flow of Bio-Energy Scalar energy increases the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. May 24, 2019 Read more It is these frequencies that cause illnesses and imbalance in the body, There are many purported benefits of Innovative Energy Medicine Technology in Energy Wristbands, Sleep Bracelets, Scalar Infused Products, and holographic discs. Scalar Energy eliminates and nullifies the effects of man-made frequencies (60 cps) in the human body. Some types of energy are more efficient than many others. There are four types of waves present in the brain Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. It was really back in the mid 1800s that the presence of scalar energy was initially suggested in a string of 4 groundbreaking equations by the Scottish mathematician, James Clerk Maxwell. Scalar waves are also able to best part of using scalar embedded technology is that the scalar waves do not With this, there is an improvement in the transfer of minerals in and out of the body. The net result is the fact that scalar waves are a whole different creature from standard hertzian waves. These products offer you maximum protection from electro-pollution, allowing the body to maintain proper energy balance while also staying healthy. Thirty-five million North Americans get influenza (or the flu) every year from November to March, according to the CDC. In different parts of the world there are different names for energy: increase in your daily energy levels. All the energy that we usually think of is defined by both particle and wavelike properties. For external use only. Anti EMF Stickers for Phone and Computer Round Dot, EMF Blocker Sticker, Shungite EMF Protection Necklace | Authentic from Karelia (Hexagon), Shungite Crystal EMF Protection Necklace | Authentic from Karelia (Trapeze), Elite Shungite Pyramid Protection | Authentic from Karelia with Carbon Fullerenes, Shungite EMF Protection Necklace | Authentic from Karelia (Rhomb), EMF Protection Bracelet with Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser- Bracelets For Women Flower of Life. It behaves very differently from electric and magnetic fields. You can read more about the Scalar Energy here, #image_199634358 { This circular movement creates a protective shield around the human body protecting it from harmful rays. This improves mental focus and directly affects After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature. Quick View body. Remember that a scalar infused product will make use of the Spooky 2 Scalar has both a sender and receiver . #section_2126979477 { Therefore, it makes a great treatment for a number of diseases. . The energy level of every single cell in the body is increased to the ideal 70 to 90 milivolt. There is also a part of the field called the scalar component, also called a longitudinal wave. These guidelines are solely for educational and informational purposes. Definitely not, say scientists. $49.97 $25.00 A vector quantity has a direction and a magnitude, while a scalar has only a magnitude. 2023 Miracle Balance. The following five health issues get worse in the winter: Rapid cell turnover is the main factor causing psoriasis. It would help stimulate healing from any physical problems. Scalar waves also help in energizing your body's cells and overall functions of your body. Increase your intake of non-fluoride mV water. Scalar waves are created by a pair of replicant (or identical) waves that are spatially in phase but temporarily out of phase. Surich Scalar Energy Saver Sticker is a Japanese Anti-Radiation Technology containing multiple layers of special piezoelectric materials like Morganite, Tourmaline, Ceramin and Germanium. How do you make a scalar wave? We are in a time period currently where most technology is not compatible with the health of living organisms on this planet. become balanced. It is a known fact that our brain works with our nervous system to control the different functions of the body's systems and organs. You can tell if a quantity is a vector by whether or not it has a direction associated with it. Disclaimer: Use of caffeine and other stimulants can delay effectiveness of the Holographic Disc. Releasing this EMF radiation, these devices can have harmful effects on the body over a longer period of time. rapidly and reliably than products without it. Partner with a unique company that cares we only sell to individual stores and doctor offices. Before discussing scalar energy treatment, lets look at some of the most typical conditions that get worse in the colder months. Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. Buy on Using microcurrent accessories, scalar energy healing can be accomplished. psionic machines use crystals to propagate scalar waves. Newer post . Albert Einstein, the Nobel Prize winner also acknowledged the existence of Scalar Energy. At Miracle Balance, by admin | Sep 15, 2015 | Mind Machines, Mind Power. It is stored energy ready and waiting to do something, but it's not moving or flowing as a current or wave. Innovative Energy Medicine Technology in Energy Wristbands, Sleep Bracelets, Scalar Infused Products, and holographic discs, Scalar energy has a variety of different properties. their cellular energy levels, the team at Miracle Balance, have created a wide Tune Spooky 2 Scalar, then sit or lie between the transmitter and receiver. This is done by enhancing the natural defenses of the body against the harmful radiation coming from different industrial and household appliances surrounding us. So just hang in there for a little more. The brain even has more with 90 percent of water. background-color: rgb(49, 59, 69); change the lives of our customers by counteracting negative energy forces and Its light promotes positive energy flow, so it balances energy balance. Scalar Waves: Maximize nutrient uptake and cellular detoxification. This cancels out any free movement and a stationary energy field is created. Nikola Tesla had planned to use scalar energy as a wave carrier for telecommunications, for example, the radio. This energy field tends to fill in itself and doesnt radiate like a waveform, but rather expands in circles of energy. The circular movement helps to create a protective shield around the body, thus protecting it from the damaging rays. Instead, as it takes up more room, its mass grows. For example: There are lots of crystalline structures in every cell wall all capable of carrying a charge There are lots of liquid crystal arrangements in the collagen network consisting of all the space between cells also effective at carrying a charge. It should be stressed that this definition of scalar field theory is not supported by experiment or by any actual physics. Miracle Balance Elite Shungite Pyramid Protection | Authentic from Karelia with Carbon Fullerenes Bio energy is the energy of life, Bios" is Greek for life. Over time your body accumulates debris due to illness and injury. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Some scalar energy pendants contain lava and more than 70 minerals integrated by volcanic heat. If we dont, our technology will eventually end up being our downfall. Scalar energy consists of circles of energy that radiate outwards in a balanced network. principles of scalar energy. With the impending arrival of winter come a number of unpleasant health issues. A bioconductive process, Scalar Energy is produced to enhance the field of biological activity in the body. The mitochondrion is responsible for the production of energy in the cells for optimal functioning of the bodys organs. The conference was dedicated to Nicola Tesla and his work, and the papers presented claimed lied i i mp s an some of Tesla's work used scalar wavy rnnrPnts. waves in Miracle Breathing in slowly and with the rhythm 6-3-6-3 where you breathe in 6 counts, hold your breath 3 counts and exhale 6 counts. Scalar Energy can carry information and doesnt decay over space and time. This means that there are different types of energies in this world, both positive and negative. To find out more information on scalar energy the medical field despite its benefits and properties. Remember The human uses its own vibrations to communicate with the body and within itself. It passesits signature on solid things. Scalar Energy pendants can protect you and your family from the harmful effects of ELFs (Extremely Low Frequency) and EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies). scalar waves to aid in the relief of various symptoms, you can neutralize the Additionally, Scalar energy can: Improve cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into every cell. Sound therapy devices and other devices often use scalar energy to help restore balance in the body. your nutrient intake increases while toxins and waste are eliminated from your Digestion is only a slow kind of burning that creates energy for your body to live on. This post copyright 2020-2023 Blushield USA. Improve mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies. Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping outside 70-90 millivolts - when healthy. This benefits the bodys metabolic functions and elevates blood circulation systems. Charge your body with all the proper frequencies and you prevent disorder. Scalar waves improve the biofield radiating both within and outside the body by permeating the tissues of the body. All Scalar Light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. The fields produced by Spooky2 Scalar are strong. The more you use, the greater of an effect Energy is a scalar. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds is what holds your DNA together. Cleanse the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein / fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns. Featured Episode . dissipate over time, but rather increase in strength. Afterwards, a Yugoslavian mechanical and mathematical engineer, Nikola Tesla, advanced the findings of Maxwell and invented devices which proved scalar energy existence. It will elevate your energy on a cellular level more rapidly than It can instantly emit scalar energy, transforming bio-energy into the body to promote molecular activities of water in our organs. Even the complex network of collagen between cells can carry a charge. This space occupied is not a vacuum but alive with balanced and checked energies. Its the use of science as nature intended. To understand the work that I do, usually 10 hours a day or more, you must take a little course in physics and learn about the miracle that is Scalar energy. The blood profile is rejuvenated and blood flow is promoted with EMFs Deplete Melatonin, and Protective Effects of Melatonin from EMF Harm, Tips for Air Travel & Road Trips with Blushield, All About Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, clean, free energy technology to replace coal and oil fuel sources, the ability to transmute elements, including radioactive waste into inert substance, harnessing gravitic forces to create anti-gravity aircraft for space travel, using scalar carrier waves to deliver perfect DNA information to stimulate physical healing from any illness. Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while . It is common to experience: SOUND AND DEEPER SLEEP A CALMING EFFECT INCREASED ENERGY AND VITALITY IMPROVED MENTAL CLARITY DECREASED INFLAMMATION IMPROVEMENT IN SKIN CONDITIONS AND SO MANY OTHER BENEFITS HOW DOES THIS TECHNOLOGY WORK?