Instead of building highways first, which tends to make neighborhoods auto-centric and de-prioritizes. In short, crime in America has further depopulated the cores of metropolitan areas, scattering their inhabitants and businesses. 2023 Compare Cities. Big, fast, and violent The more important contrasts in urban development between America and Europe lie elsewhere. The densely settled cities of Europe teem with small shops. You'll see other similarities between Lisbon and San Francisco, from the cable cars, hilly terrain and water views to the pastel-colored buildings and colorful museums. In contrast, U.S. urban governments must largely support themselves: They collect two-thirds of their revenues from local sources. The sprawling conurbations demand, for one thing, virtually complete reliance on automotive travel, thereby raising per capita consumption of motor fuel to four times the average of cities in Europe. And, of course, Oktoberfest is celebrated during the fall. Travel to any European city and the likelihood is that it will look and feel substantially different to modern American cities such as Los Angeles, San Diego, or Miami. The wine regions of Burgundy, Bordeaux, Alsace, Loire Valley and Champagne? Out of a total $850 million of local funds budgeted for 77,000 students in the District of Columbia, for instance, $170 million has been earmarked for approximately 8,000 students receiving special education.. In fact, London welcomes more travelers from the U.S. than any other country. Opinion surveys regularly rank public safety as a leading consideration in the selection of residential locations. Enter 2nd Place. As a Colonial city, it was built by the English, and, naturally, its historic areas such as Beacon Hill carry a look right out of England. The fragmented jurisdictional structure in U.S. metropolitan areas, wherein every suburban town or county has control over the use of land, does not adequately explain sprawl either. And, when fall begins to change the color of the leaves, Oktoberfest becomes one of the biggest parties of the South. Polish? Clan life was nearly extinguished at the battle of Culloden in 1746 when the Scots lost to the English, but today, travelers can enjoy Highland Games, proudly wear their tartans and explore the amazing Scottish countryside. In addition, stringent national land-use laws slowed exurban development, whereas the disjointed jurisdictions ill U.S. metropolitan regions encouraged it. The two cultures of interest, Latinos and African-Americans, are of interest in part because there are so many of them. ), Where to stay:Residence Inn Alexandria Old Town/Duke Street. The civilization of European and Chinese origins possessed varying similarities and differences (Joerges, 2005 p.314). Like the second group, the blocks in the cities have a broad distribution of shapes. Originally called Charles Town for King Charles II, its Colonial buildings and cobblestones look similar to other English-Colony cities but with palm trees and a whole lot more humidity. With 49 million Americans reporting German lineage, German is the largest ancestry group in the U.S. In the United States the industrial revolution came in two waves. You can even go an alternate route and rent a bike, as many places have designated bike lanes throughout the cities. Local governments in Germany derive less than one-third of their income from local revenues; higher levels of government transfer the rest. The city was first founded by Quakers in 1682 nearly 100 years before independence. Similarities between U.S.A. & Italy. Settled in the late 1700s and named for the French town Montpellier, Montpelier is Vermont's capital. Metropolitan Clevelands population actually declined by 8 percent, yet 33 percent more of the areas territory was developed. A close look can give a picture of the contrasting and the similar features of the two regions. European And West African Americans Similarities. Manhattan has a unique fingerprint based on a grid structure dominated by two types of rectangles. The above photos come from "Zhen Vision". In 1928, for example, 78 percent of all the motor vehicles in the world were located in the United States. Area. The problem with this method is that the networks of most cities turn out to be remarkably similar. When German immigrants settled in this small town in Missouri in 1837, they brought their culture that continues to live on today. Founded in 1845 by Germans, the town features German restaurants that serve up traditional sauerbraten and spaetzle as well as German architecture and culture, and, of course, Oktoberfest. To display this, Louf and Barthelemy arrange the blocks according to their area along the Y-axis and their shape ratio along the X-axis. The American region is so incredibly divers. Scotland's landscape is dramatic and breathtaking, from its Munros topped in rock, to forests lined with Amazonian-sized green ferns to waterfalls flowing near serene lochs, particularly in the Highlands of the north. This expansion of influence marked a turning point in history compared to the expansion in the 17th and 16th centuries. The Italian wine regions of Tuscany, Chianti and others are thought to receive 4 million to 6 million tourists every year. Of its fjords, Sognefjord is its longest, extending more than 127 miles from Jostedalsbreen glacier to Jotunheimen National Park. All other reasons-including high cost of living (9.3 percent) and not enough affordable housing (5.3 percent)-lagged far behind. New York's population density compares more to Lyon, France than it does to Paris. There may be several excuses for this lopsided administrative overhead, but one explanation is almost certainly the growth of government regulation and the armies of academic administrators needed to handle the red tape. (Of course, he went on to lead the charge in the Revolution and became the first president of the United States. Americans buy enormous bottles of shampoo, for example while those sizes do not even exist in Europe. Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, easily . So it makes them apples and oranges. Ethnic neighborhoods: Many cities of Western Europe have less distinct ethnic neighborhoods compared to cities of North America; ethnic neighborhoods of Western European cities are more likely to be found in suburban margins rather than in inner city neighborhoods (zones in transition), as in North American cities; ethnic neighborhoods in North . Why a person is ten times more likely to be murdered in America than in Japan, seven times more likely to be raped than in France, or almost four times more likely to be robbed at gun point than in the United Kingdom, is a complex question. It's snow-capped throughout the year and filled with colorful wildflowers during the spring and summer, much like the Alps where you'll want to twirl and spin a la Maria von Trapp. However, when the generalizations of these traits are broken down, it reveals a multitude of urban contrasts. New Yorks murder rate dropped by two-thirds between 1991 and 1997, yet there were still 767 homicides committed that year. Wretched schools are among the reasons why most American families have fled the cities for greener pastures. Houston covered 160 square miles in 1950. At the time of settlement, the new American colonies were enamored with the French, who helped in their battle against England during the Revolution. Many European municipalities, with their ancient independent charters, are less subordinated. Where did it go wrong. Its nickname, Bel Paese, means "beautiful country," and that is no lie. America is modern-day Egypt spiritually AND literally. Pronounced "Paulsbo" (as the town was supposed to be named "Paul's Place"), Norwegian was the primary language of the town until workers were brought in to build ships in Puget Sound during World War II. While a visit to the Acropolis and Parthenon is a must, it's truly the 6,000 islands found in the aquamarine waters of the Aegean and Ionian seas that put Greece on the top of many travel bucket lists. Thats because the topology captures the connectedness of a city but nothing about the scale or geometry of the layout. In 1945, transit accounted for approximately 35 percent of urban passenger miles traveled in the United States. That's why the population density of European cities is so much denser than American cities. Middle-class city-dwellers fled from these places to less perilous locations in the metropolitan fringe. Begin your German tour in Michigan in the town of Frankenmuth, meaning "courage of the Franconians" from a kingdom of Bavaria. The most popular comparisons are: Population, Cost of Living, Average Rent, Crime Rate, Tax Rates, Air Quality, Religion, Local Economy, Climate, and Weather. Answer (1 of 6): What Europeans? His design mimicked Europe's greatest cities, with much of the city being an homage to Paris' grand boulevards and open squares. Spanish explorers set foot in Florida in 1513, led by Juan Ponce de Leon who believed he found the mysterious Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, America's oldest continuously inhabited European town. Little Portugal, in the Columbia Street Cultural District, is the place to go for authentic Portuguese restaurants, markets and stores. A recent report by McKinsey and Company attributes lagging productivity in key sectors to Britains land-use restrictions that hinder entry and expansion of the most productive firms. An approach that promised to democratize design may have done the opposite. Where to stay:The Inn on Biltmore Estate. As the Economist noted in a review of the Italian economy, Italys plethora of small firms is as much an indictment of its economy as a triumph: many seem to lack either the will or the capital to keep growing. The lack of will is not surprising; moving from small to midsize or large means taking on employees who are nearly impossible to lay off when times turn bad, and it means saddling a company with costly mandated payroll benefits. A form of metropolitan growth that displaces only bleak and obsolescent urban relics, increasingly discarded by almost everyone, may actually be welfare-enhancing. These American cities promise a taste of Europe, filled with culture, international cuisine and picturesque settings and you don't have to leave the country. You can enjoy German-style beers year-round in many of the local restaurants and breweries, including Altstadt Brewery (shown), which prides itself on having an "Old World vibe.". Although the Reagan administration later lowered these costs, passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 led to a new round of pricey special accommodations in New York and other cities with established transit systems. Where to stay:Wine Valley Inn & Cottages. It's famous for its fjords, having more fjords in the country than anyplace on Earth nearly 1,200 in total with two appearing on the World Heritage List. Compare Cities on over a dozen categories and 100s of items. Critics who assume that land regulators in the United States are chronically permissive, whereas Europes growth managers are always scrupulous and smart, ought to contemplate, say, the unsightly new suburbs stretching across the northwestern plain of Florence toward Prato, and then visit Long Islands East End, where it is practically impossible to obtain a building permit along many miles of pristine coastline. A paper published this week in PLOS One highlights one major similarity: in both medieval and modern European cities, larger settlements have predictably higher population densities than smaller cities. The islands are covered with lush green mountains and are surrounded by gorgeous blue seas connecting fishing villages and plantations. Americans have a reputation for working longer hours than almost anyone else. New York, our densest city, has approximately one-third the number of inhabitants per square mile as Frankfurt. Yet the metropolitan population density of the United States is still about one-fourth that of Germany. If two cities have blocks of the same shape in the same proportion but with totally different areas, they will look different, they say. Most cities that Louf and Barthelemy studied fall into the third group. It rivaled contemporary European cities in size. And this does not count the hundreds of federal court orders and agency rulings that micromanage, and often drain, local resources. (European Commission 1999b, American Planning Association 1998; also Siy 2004). Abut 30 percent of its population retains Swedish ancestry. Sprawl has continued apace even in places where the American population has grown little or not at all in recent decades. For example, it gives city planners a way of comparing their designs against existing cities and neighborhoods. Brisbane is a similar size to Milan, with half the population. At issue here, as in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is not whether provisions for the handicapped are desirable and just. Founded in 1630 by English Puritans, Boston's English history is taught in American schools from a ripe age. If you have your heart set on visiting Europe but can't make it across the pond just yet, there are places in the United States that look and feel just like they're in the "Old World.". Now that it is possible, the applications are many. Travelers have long noticed that some American cities feel more European than others. Nothing new is under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Erasing that debit from the citys revenue requirements, either by meeting it with federal and state aid or by substantial recisions, would be tantamount to reducing city taxes as much as 20 percent. France, Italy, Austria, Spain, Germany, Portugal the wine regions spread across Europe and bring many travelers who want to visit European countrysides and sample some of the best wines in the world. But when you cannot make it to Italy, California's famed Napa Valley is thought to most closely resemble the European country's beautiful, sun-drenched countryside. The sales tax on a new, medium-sized car in the Netherlands is approximately nine times higher than in the United States; in Denmark, 37 times higher. An example from the second group is Athens in Greece. To satisfy the federal governments paternalistic commands, many old cities have been forced to raise taxes and cut the services that local residents need or value most. American's like to have a salad course, but this is almost never seen in Europe as salad (if it is being served) will usually be presented alongside the main course. Similarities and differences between European CBDs and North America CBDs European cities follow the same models but the direction of increasing wealth is reversed. It may also allow other kinds of city science. An interesting approach might be to look for correlations between crime and certain types of neighborhood layout. Sprawl in the United States and Canada Most women work outside the home. 1.990%. In response, businesses and middle-class households flee to the suburbs. Peder Engelstad Pioneer Village includes museums, Victorian houses, churches, log cabins, a schoolhouse and other buildings to show what life was like at the end of the 1800s when the city was founded. Bavaria is especially popular for its beer, with strict requirements as to how it can be made, making it quite literally the Champagne of beers. Rather, the puzzle is how Congress can sincerely claim to champion these causes if it scarcely appropriates the money to advance them. Similarities between the United States of America and Canada in terms of "European Influence" Canada and United States are profoundly influenced by the European cultures due to the immigration that happened during colonization and the constant movement of people from Europe to these countries. One limitation of this approach is how neighborhoods themselves are defined, usually as administrative districts rather than architectural ones. Consider the plight of urban mass transit in the United States. Location. A French-Creole language remains spoken across the city and state to this day. When cars became the main form of transportation, many of the original canals were paved over, but the Great Depression put a halt to the roadwork. Public Transportation - Europe is just better than America at this, point blank, period. Boston, Massachusetts When you walk along the narrow cobblestone streets of Beacon Hill,. At the same time, housing is not also the same. So, it should come as no surprise that there are a few towns across the country with roots in Germany and the style to boot. In other words, they analyze the size and shape of the street blocks. When they did this for each of the 131 cities they had data for, they discovered that cities fall into four main types (see diagram above). Virginia is home to numerous wine regions and offers a variety of wine trails, including Monticello Wine Trail's more than 30 vineyards. Two years ago, when the American Assembly weighed the main obstacles to business investments in the inner cities, it learned that businessmen identified lack of security as the principal impediment. The principal force driving America's move into cities was the Second Industrial Revolution. Never mind that the Washington Metro is the nations most modern and well-designed subway system. The capital and largest city of Portugal, Lisbon is a vibrant riverfront city that dates back 2,700 years, making it one of the oldest cities in Europe. Between 1880 and 1900, cities in the United States grew at a dramatic rate. You'll find the story of independence by following the Freedom Trail where a literal red line has been painted along the streets to take you to places that impacted the nation, such as Paul Revere's home and the site of the Boston Tea Party. A windfall that large could do more to reclaim the citys slums, and halt the hollowing out of core communities, than would all of the regions planned empowerment zones, smart growth initiatives, and livability bond issues. Our in-depth reporting reveals whats going on now to prepare you for whats coming next. Constructed between 1889 and 1895, the French Renaissance chateau features 250 rooms, including 35 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms and 65 fireplaces. Similarities: 1) Neither set of movements was predictedeven by experts. Similarities. Europeans Work Fewer Hours. A city is a place where a large number of populations resides for the permanent period of time. Spain sent Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles back to colonize the land, becoming governor and founding St. Augustine in 1565 well before the English created its first towns in Virginia. The so-called "30 zone" is very common in towns and cities, limiting speed to 30 km/h (18 mph) for noise reduction and child safety. The text mentions one difference between various Native American societies that is of paramount importance. Let us start with the most obvious similarity: in the USA, as in the good parts of Europe, citizens use a single currency, identical to the currency of their neighboring States. Originally a timber town incorporated in 1906, it was also facing extinction when town planners in the 1960s thought to create a Bavarian town in the Pacific Northwest. European tax structures penalize consumption. Rural and suburban adults are somewhat more rooted in their local areas, but substantial shares in cities, suburbs and rural areas say they have lived in their communities for more than 10 years. Dense cities also require a vibrant economy of neighborhood shops and services. North of Santa Barbara near the Los Padres National Forest is a town founded by Danes in 1911. London, a megacity of about the same size, had less thani 130. The rolling lavender fields of Provence? While you won't hear bagpipes or catch men in kilts, you will be awestruck by the natural beauty of the Allegheny Plateau. Where to stay:Oahu condo by the beach on Airbnb. Today, the Spanish influence is evident in Old City, where narrow streets wind near the grand plaza and the Castillo de San Marcos. Americas public schools are perhaps the clearest example of a crucial local service that is tottering under the weight of unfunded federal directives. To comply with the Department of Transportations rules for retrofitting public buses and subways, New York City estimated in 1980 that it would need to spend more than $1 billion in capital improvements on top of $50 million in recurring annual operating costs. The World Tourism Organization found Spain's nearly 83 million visitors in 2018 made it the second most-visited country in the world. with a list of newsletters youd like to receive. But the gardens may be even more impressive than the palace, spanning more than 2,000 acres. The U.S. tax code favors spending over saving (the latter is effectively taxed twice) and provides inducements to purchase particular goodsmost notably houses, since the mortgage interest is deductible. Still, proposals to reconfigure urban development in the United States need to shed several misconceptions. Less than a quarter of the U.S. population lived in suburbia in 1930. Nor would most consumers gain greater satisfaction from housing strategies that encourage renter occupancy but not homeownership, or from gas taxes and transportation policies that force people out of their cars and onto buses, trains, or bicycles. The Biltmore, built for George Washington Vanderbilt, is the largest home in the United States at 175,000 square feet. The important distinctions, moreover, have less to do with differing urban programs than with other national policies, the consequences of which are less understood. The difficulty is compounded by federal laws that, without adequate recompense, divert scarce educational resources from serving the overwhelming majority of students. Answer (1 of 5): Many Latin American countries are in North America (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, etc. 1. Because the language barrier isn't a factor, traveling throughout England is easy for Americans, too. Acceptance of homosexuality has increased in recent years, and . Compliance costs for urban school districts, where the concentrations of learning-disabled pupils are high and the means to support them low, can be particularly onerous. Some similarities to pre-1500 civilizations: Writing existed; Mayan script was hieroglyphic based like in Egypt or China A priestly temple class was a very powerful element in society such as in Egypt, Mesopotamia or India. The not-so-invisible hand In addition to these fundamental differences, the public agendas here and in major European countries have been miles apart. The slave trade created a trading triangle in between Europe Africa and the Americas. The central governments of Western Europe may assume more financial responsibilities instead of bucking them down to the local level, but these top-heavy regimes also levy much higher taxes. For a wide range of basic functions-including educational institutions, hospitals, prisons, courts, utilities, and so on-the national treasury funds as much as 80 percent of the expense incurred by Englands local councils. One of these contains 68 percent of all the American cities that Louf and Barthelemy studied. More than 46 million people spent a night in the Netherlands in 2019, with many of them snapping pics of its charming windmills and fields of brightly colored tulips, imported from Turkey in the 1600s and now a symbol of the Dutch. The "bald eagle!". The three main World Cities are New York City, London, and Tokyo. Vast suburbs containing dozens of high-rise apartment buildings house these people who were displaced from the inner city. Dutch? The Hellenic immigrants came to this sleepy West Florida town in the 1880s, and today, you'll find the Greek influence in the shops and Greek restaurants along Dodecanese Boulevard, which are decorated in the colors of the Greek flag. A phoenix in disguise!!! Fully funding all of Washingtons many social mandates with national tax dollars would mean, as in much of Europe, a more centralized and bloated welfare state. Meanwhile, according to a 199G report by the U.S. Many German cities today are old in name only, and though the countrys population as a whole grew less quickly than Americas after 1950, West German cities experienced formidable economic growth and in-migrations. In 2019, U.S. tourism to Switzerland rose 10 percentwith more than a million travelers setting off to visit its alpine villages and cities and any of its more than 7,000 lakes. Different continents have cities with different characteristics. It is hard enough for distressed school systems like the Districts, which struggle to impart even rudimentary literacy, to compete with their wealthier suburban counterparts. But the rhetorical similarities are superficial because, as we shall further see in examining the German experience, the European and the American approaches to mixed use - past and present - have been quite different. But the urban region of Paris-Ile de France-comprises 1,300 municipalities, all of which have considerable discretion in the consignment of land for development. New Ulm is the real deal: 66 percent of the population is German-American. The love of beer extends to the World Expo of Beer that the town hosts every year. Plans are underway to celebrate the 91st event in 2021. Norwegian immigrants discovered areas of Washington looked a bit like home, including Poulsbo, founded by Norwegians in the late 1800s. New cities were populated with diverse waves of new arrivals, who came to the cities to seek work in the businesses and factories there. Although for some this may raise questions about the value of "expertise," in my view it puts into question the importance. City's importance depends upon the size, location, and structure of the area. Norway's Scandinavian neighbor, Sweden, may not have more fjords, but its mountain and coastal landscape are the reason 7 million people visit every year. But in practice, these taxpayers are also being asked to finance plenty of other costly projects, many of which are mandated, but underfunded, by the federal government. The UK is famed for its "pub culture," or the socializing and social drinking that happens in its many cozy bars and pubs. From Dutch bakeries and restaurants to the architecture found in historic downtown and the Vermeer Windmill, you'll experience the Netherlands, if only for a bit of time measured by the Klokkenspel carillon clock that rings with figurines telling the history of the town. A paper published this week in PLOS One highlights one major similarity: in both medieval and modern European cities, larger settlements have predictably higher population densities than. But the problem is, European cities have quite a different context than North American cities. That extraordinary level of fossilfuel combustion complicates U.S. efforts to lower this countrys considerable contribution to the buildup of greenhouse gases. Located outside Wichita, the small town features homes built in a similar style as those in Sweden, Swedish dala (horse) sculptures and Heritage Square, the living history museum that showcases Lindsborgs early days. What was the European impact on the peoples and the environment of the Americas and Africa during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? Look to Paris Las Vegas and the Venetian Resort. Per hectare of farmland, agricultural subventions are 12 times more generous in France than in the United States, a divergence that surely helps explain why small farms still surround Paris but not New York City. It, too, has extensive gardens 8,000 acres that provide color and blooms at various seasons of the year. The researchers then plot the distribution of block shapes for a given city. According to economists Julie Berry Cullen of the University of Michigan and Steven D. Levitt of the University of Chicago, between 1976. and 1993, a city typically lost one resident for every additional crime committed within it. The country is filled with museums, castles and windmills, drawing more than 28 million people annually. Most older European cities have grown organically, usually before the advent of cars, with their road layout largely determined by factors such as local geography. Although cities everywhere have developed in each of these ways at various times, nowhere in Europe do urban settlements sprawl as much as in the United States. ), Alexandria is named for John Alexander, a Scotsman who had owned much of the land. 110. Roomba testers feel misled after intimate images ended up on Facebook, How Rust went from a side project to the worlds most-loved programming language. Canals did the trick, and the Venice of America was created. Canadian and American cities may appear remarkably similar. A growth process that also blights and abandons a nations important civic and cultural centers, however, is rightfully grounds for concern. True, the tri-state region of New York contains some 780 separate localities, some with zoning ordinances that permit only lowdensity subdivisions. The list goes on and on and you could return again and again and still uncover a new place more charming than the first. Schools are but one of many municipal services straining to defray centrally dictated expenses. A very big difference of consumption is the sizes of goods sold in the U.S.A comparing to those sold in Europe as a whole. North America and Europe are very similar in many regards: both continents host some of the most advanced societies and economies in the world today. Like these two, European colonization has molded the area. The Giralda belfry was christened in 1967, the same year Kansas City and Seville became sister cities. Ever since Americans watched the hills come alive in the opening scene of "The Sound of Music," there has been a fascination with the Austrian Alps.